Playdate Café

Playdate Cafe will resume on August 14th!

Have a great Summer!



Do you have to have a church affiliation to attend?

No, all are welcome. It is our gift to the community.

When is Playdate Café (PDC) open?

It is open every Wednesday that Public schools are open in Hillsborough County. It is NOT open during Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break or Summer Vacation.

Is it required to arrive by 9 AM and remain for the entire duration?

No, you come and go as you please, between 9-11:30 AM. There is no set program.

What age is it for?

It is for infants in arms up to young 4 year olds, prior to attending VPK.

Do I stay with my child?   

Absolutely. This is not a drop off service. Play is monitored by volunteers, but you are still responsible for your child.

Is there a cost associated?

No, it is free! It is our gift to those who take care of babies up and through to young 4 year old’s.

What do I do while my child plays?

Enjoy the moment, talk, and network with other parents and grandparents in a coffee shop atmosphere.

Do I have to buy a refreshment of some sort?

No, you can BYOB (bring your own beverage) or enjoy a hot coffee, tea or water provided by us. We also provide a simple snack (animal crackers and goldfish) for the children. There is a donation basket available, if you’d like to give towards the 41 & Change Coffee.

What is 41 & Change Coffee?

A portion of every sale of 41 & Change Coffee goes to giving a young person in Nicaragua the week of their life at a Young Life Camp, an experience that gives them a sense of their incredible God-given worth.  You can learn more about this organization here.

Do I have to provide my contact details to attend?

No, however, there is a sign-up sheet that will only be used for contact tracing purposes. You will not be added to church circulations or promotions. We also use the Remind App to notify you in cases of inclement weather and health concerns, as well as, to remind you of special activity days at PDC.

What are cleaning protocols?

During our session, volunteers watch for any toys which are placed in a child’s mouth. They are removed and placed in a bucket out of reach of the children, so they can be sanitized before they are put back in circulation. After each weekly session, a fine spray sanitizer is used on all the equipment and allowed to dry for 2 minutes before the equipment is packed away. All but one piece of play equipment is designated exclusively for Playdate Café use. So, they only get used once a week. This gives an optimum time for disinfection.