Planet 56

This dynamic youth group fosters strong connections by actively encouraging students to forge meaningful relationships with both their peers and with God. Through engaging activities, group discussions, and shared experiences, they create a nurturing environment where young individuals can grow spiritually and build lasting friendships.

We have interactive lessons once a quarter and host fun events such as laser tag, bowling, and more!

Be In The Know With Our Sunday Flow

First time here? No worries! Head on in the front door and our Worship Area is straight ahead. If you’ve got time, stop by the Gathering Space (at the 11:00 position once inside the lobby) for a fresh cup of coffee or juice and some refreshments.

Got PreTeens? They meet for Sunday School during the 9:30 AM worship hour and join the church family for worship during 11:00 AM.

5th-6th Grades

Also known as Planet 56! Meets in the Arcade (Rm #302 on the right, down the back hall)

Whats Happening?

Homework Help

We are here to assist students in kindergarten through 8th grade with all subjects, focusing on Reading and Math. Students are expected to bring their homework to one of our 2 FREE sessions every Thursday during the school year.