Global Missions

Missions offer church members a chance to put their faith into action, impacting lives while also being transformed themselves. Through these experiences, members develop a deeper understanding of their role in the global community and the interconnectedness of humanity. Are you inspired to serve?

If you share our commitment to make a real impact, consider joining us by donating goods or providing financial support. Don’t forget to specify in the memo box that you would like your contribution to support our Global Missions.

Cuba Mission

Our church mission holds a deep concern for the people living in Cuba who are facing dire poverty. Through our efforts, we gather essential funds to facilitate construction projects, provide clean water, and ensure access to education. If you share our passion for making a meaningful impact, we invite you to join us in supporting this cause by donating goods or making a monetary contribution.

Note: Please specify that your contribution is intended to support this mission in the Memo box.

Haiti Mission

Our church is dedicated to addressing the challenges faced by those living in Haiti, a region marked by profound poverty. We gather essential funds to support construction, provide clean water, and enable education. If you share our commitment to making a difference, consider joining us by donating goods or contributing financially.

Note: Please specify that your contribution is intended to support this mission in the Memo box.

Dominican Republic Mission

At the heart of our church mission lies a dedication to the people in the Dominican Republic facing profound poverty. We gather vital funds for construction, clean water, and education. If you share our commitment to make a real impact, consider joining us by donating goods or contributing financially.

Note: Please specify that your contribution is intended to support this mission in the Memo box.

Pillow Case Dresses

When our members embark on mission trips, they often have the opportunity to bring along these charming dresses. If you enjoy sewing, there’s no need to wait for a trip announcement – feel free to create some dresses in advance. These dresses can also be included in Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. Click here to find a free pattern or search on Google and YouTube to get started!

Operation Christmas Child

We provide shoeboxes for children around the world. You can drop off supplies throughout the year and join us for an annual packing party, or get a box by contacting us and pack it yourself. To learn more visit their website.

OCC Distribution Mission Trip

In December, Janell, our Christian Education Director, takes a group of ladies to help at the distribution center in Atlanta. Keep an eye on the bulletin for updates or feel free to contact us with any questions!